Esimerkkisopimus – englanninkielinen

Englanninkielinen esimerkkipohja

Escrow Agreement tekijänoikeuden haltijan(=omistajan) näkökulmasta

* Sopimuspohja tehty ensisijaisesti ohjelmiston tekijänoikeuden haltijan (=omistajan) näkökulmasta tilanteeseen, jossa ohjelmiston käyttäjän (=lisenssinsaaja) vaatimuksesta talletetaan ohjelmiston lähdekoodi kolmannen osapuolen hallintaan, josta se voidaan omistajan joutuessa ongelmatilanteisiin antaa lisenssinsaajan käyttöön sopimuksessa sovituin ehdoin ja rajoituksin.
Sopimuspohjan kaikki kohdat tulee tarkistaa ja muuttaa vastaamaan käytännön tilannetta; on myös huomioitava, että yhden sopimuskohdan muuttaminen yleensä vaikuttaa myös sopimuksen muihin lausekkeisiin ja lisämuutokset ovat tällöin tarpeen.
HUOM.! Tämä sopimuspohja ei sovellu käytettäväksi käytännön tilanteisiin ilman sopimusjuridisen asiantuntijan tarkistusta ja korjauksia.

Escrow Agreement

1. Appointment of the Escrow Agent
2. Deposit and Storage of Data
3. Updating Deposited Data
4. Release of Data to the Licensee
5. Return of the Data to FINCO
6. Escrow Agent’s Fees and Charges
7. Confidentiality
8. Liabilities of FINCO and Licensee
9. Liabilities of the Escrow Agent
10. Termination
11. Force Majeure
12. Notices
13. Waiver
14. Headings
15. Severability
16. Applicable Law

This agreement (hereinafter the ”Agreement”) is made on the 1st day of January 2000 between
Finco Oy, a Finnish company having its principal place of business at Helsinki, Finland (hereinafter ”Finco”); and
Escrow Service Ltd, a ____ company having its principal place of business at ______ (hereinafter the ”Escrow Agent”); and
_______, a ______ company having its principal place of business at ____, ______ (hereinafter the

* Sopimuksen alkulauseet, jossa kuvataan sopimuksen ydinsisältö: mistä sopimuksessa on kyse ja mikä on sopijapuolten rooli. Jos sopijapuolilla on yhteistä liiketoimintahistoriaa voidaan se tuoda tässä esiin. ”Whereas”-lausekkeissa voidaan myös määritellä osa sopimuksessa käytettävistä usein toistuvista avainsanoista. Kattavista ”whereas”-lausekkeista huolimatta on sopimukselle olennaiset asiat syytä sisällyttää aina myös itse sopimustekstiin.


WHEREAS, by an agreement dated x.x.2000 and which forms the Appendix 1 of this Agreement (hereinafter the ”License Agreement”), Finco grants or proposes to grant a software licence to the Licensee to use certain software programs more fully described in the License Agreement (hereinafter the ”Software”); and

* Tässä viitataan Fincon tekemään lisenssisopimukseen lisenssinsaajan kanssa.

WHEREAS, certain technical data, information and documentation (including source code, object code and software listings) relating to the Software which is necessary for the purposes of maintaining, modifying and correcting of the Software, but which is not required for the use of the Software in accordance with the License Agreement and which is proprietary and confidential to Finco is specified in Appendix 2 of this Agreement (the ”Data”); and

* Määritellään tässä ja liitteessä 2 lisenssin ulkopuolinen ylläpitoon tarvittava data/dokumentaatio (ml. lähdekoodi), jota ollaan tallettamassa escrow-agentin haltuun.

WHEREAS, Finco acknowledges that it may become necessary, if any of the events specified in article 4.1 shall occur, for the Licensee to obtain possession of the Data for the purposes specified in whereas clause 2 above.

* Viitataan jo niihin kriteereihin, jotka oikeuttavat lisenssinsaajan saamaan lähdekoodinhaltuunsa.

The Escrow Agent is hereby appointed jointly by Finco and the Licensee and is granted full power and authority to act on behalf of each party to this Agreement but always upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement.

* Finco ja lisenssinsaaja molemmat valtuuttajat escrow-agentin toimimaan asiassa sovitun mukaisesti.

2.1 Within ___ days of the signing of this Agreement, Finco will deposit with the Escrow Agent and the Escrow Agent will accept as custodian, one copy of the Data in the form specified in the Appendix 2 of this Agreement.

* Määritellään aika jossa data on toimitettava escrow-agentille.

2.2 The Escrow Agent will place the Data in a suitable container. The Escrow Agent undertakes that the Data will be stored in a safe and secure place at the Escrow Agent’s below address or at such other address as the Escrow Agent shall determine appropriate and which shall be notified to Finco and the Licensee.

* Escrow-agentti sijoittaa datan sopivaan turvalliseen säilytystilaan tiedossa olevaan osoitteeseen.


* Jos lisenssisopimuksen perusteella Fincolla on myös päivitysten toimitusvelvollisuus escrow-agentille on sovittava päivitysten toimitusaika (3.1), informointivelvollisuus (3.2) ja escrow-agentin toimenpiteet sen vastaanotettua päivityksen.

3.1 If so required by the License Agreement, Finco will keep the Data uptodate and shall deposit a copy of such updates (hereinafter the ”Updates”) with the Escrow Agent in accordance with Finco’s obligations in the License Agreement and within ___ days of their availability.
3.2 Finco undertakes to inform the Licensee of such Updates and that the same has been deposited with the Escrow Agent.
3.3 The Escrow Agent shall confirm safe receipt of such Updates in writing to Finco and the Licensee and undertakes to place such Updates forthwith with the Data or, if so instructed by Finco, replace the Data or applicable part thereof with the Update and return or destroy the superseded Data or part thereof.

* Sopimuksen keskeisin lauseke; määrittelee ne edellytykset, joilla lisenssinsaaja saa haltuunsa datan.

4.1 The Escrow Agent shall only be authorized to release the Data to the Licensee and be discharged of its obligations hereunder, if any of the following events shall occur, and if the Escrow Agent receives the appropriate written notice, together with all necessary supporting documentation as it may reasonably require and instructions for release:
(a) if Finco shall enter into any form of insolvency administration, including liquidation, bankruptcy, receivership, voluntary administration or otherwise;
(b) if Finco expressly authorizes the Escrow Agent in writing to release the Data to the Licensee.

* Fincon kannalta kriteerit kannattaa pitää suppeina ja mahdolliset Fincon sopimusrikkomustapaukset jättää neuvottelumahdollisuuksien mukaan kriteereiden ulkopuolelle.

4.2 In the event that any of the circumstances specified in article 4.1 occurs, the Escrow Agent shall, upon receipt of the appropriate documentary evidence and a duly authorized certificate and upon payment of all outstanding fees and charges owing to the Escrow Agent as at the proposed release date, be duly authorized to release the Data and shall be discharged
of its duties hereunder.

* Määritellään escrow-agentin dataa koskeva luovutusmenettely.

4.3 In the event of release of the Data to the Licensee in accordance with this article 4.3, the Licensee shall be authorized to use the Data only for the purposes of supporting and maintaining the Software to enable the Licensee to continue to use the Software in accordance with the terms of the License Agreement and for no other purpose whatsoever, unless the License Agreement authorizes additional uses.

* Määritellään lisenssinsaajan rajoitetut käyttöoikeudet (viittaus lisenssisopimukseen), jos data luovutetaan lisenssinsaajalle.


* Määritellään ne tapaukset joissa data palautetaan Fincolle.

5.1 The Escrow Agent will return the Data to Finco and be discharged of its obligations as defined in this article 5.1, if any of the following events shall occur:
(a) if this Agreement is terminated jointly by Finco and the Licensee giving to the Escrow Agent ___ days prior written notice;
(b) if this Agreement is terminated by the Escrow Agent giving to each of Finco and the Licensee ___ days prior written notice;
(c) if the License Agreement between Finco and the Licensee expires or is terminated (other than on account of an event specified in article 4.1 above) and there are no continuing obligations for the Data to remain in escrow;
(d) if either the Escrow Agent or the Licensee shall enter into any form of insolvency administration, including liquidation, bankruptcy, receivership, voluntary administration or otherwise;”
(e) if the Escrow Agent is in breach of this Agreement and fails to remedy such breach within ___ days of having received written notice of the same from Finco or from the Licensee.
5.2 In the event of the License Agreement referred to in 5.1(c) above reaching the expiry date (if any) specified therein and neither Finco nor the Licensee has notified the Escrow Agent of any extension thereof, the Escrow Agent shall give to each of Finco and the Licensee written notice in accordance with 5.1(b) above and if no confirmation of an extension of the License Agreement is received within the notice period the Escrow Agent shall return the Data to Finco.

* Jos lisenssisopimuksen voimassaoloaika päättyy, escrow-agentti palauttaa datan Fincolle sovitulla menettelytavalla.

5.3 In the event of termination of the License Agreement referred to in 5.1(c) above, the party exercising its right to terminate shall notify the Escrow Agent of the circumstances of such termination and the Escrow Agent shall, depending upon the circumstances of such termination, act in accordance with this Agreement in determining the destination of the Data.

* Kun lisenssisopimus irtisanotaan jommankumman sopijapuolen toimesta, on myös escrow-agentti informoitava lisenssisopimuksen päättymisestä ja sen syystä, jotta escrow-agentti voi täyttää sille asetut velvoitteet tilanteen mukaan.

6.1 The Escrow Agent’s fees and charges are payable in advance and as specified in Appendix 3 of this Agreement. Finco and the Licensee shall determine between them in what proportions (if not paid by one party) such fees and charges shall be paid by each party and shall inform the Escrow Agent accordingly upon signing this Agreement. However, Finco and the Licensee shall jointly and severally be liable for all fees and charges payable to the Escrow Agent.

* Escrow-agentin palkkioiden määräytyminen on usein erillisenä liitteenä. Lisäksi on määriteltävä kustannusten jakautuminen Fincon ja lisenssinsaajan välillä, vaikka molemmat yleensä ovatkin vastuussa kaikista kustannuksista escrow-agenttiin nähden.

6.2 The Escrow Agent reserves the right to charge interest on overdue amounts at the rate of ___ per cent per annum.

* Viivästyskorkolauseke.


* Escrow-agentilta on syytä asettaa tiukka salassapitovelvoite, jossa myös sen työntekijät henkilökohtaisesti sitoutuvat salassapitoon

Salassapitovelvoitteen jatkuminen on tarkoituksenmukaista aina siihen saakka kunnes data on julkista/vanhentunutta tietoa (7.4).
Salassapitolausekkeiden sisällön ohella erittäin tärkeää on, että valittu escrow-agentti on luotettava ja huolellinen agentti.
7.1 The Escrow Agent hereby agrees to maintain the Data and all Updates thereto and all information and/or documentation coming into its possession or to its knowledge under this agreement in strictest confidence and secrecy.
7.2 The Escrow Agent undertakes not to make use of the same other than for the performance of its obligations under this agreement and shall not disclose or release the same to any party other than in accordance with the terms hereof.
7.3 The Escrow Agent undertakes that its employees and any other person authorized by it to have access to the Data and/or Updates shall sign a written undertaking binding upon such employee to observe the same degree of confidentiality, and secrecy as the Escrow Agent is so bound hereunder.
7.4 The obligations imposed hereunder shall continue, notwithstanding release of the Data or termination of this agreement, until or unless the Data falls within the public domain, through no fault of the Escrow Agent or the Data was known to the Escrow Agent or such employee (as the case may be) prior to its deposit.
8.1 Finco shall be liable to insure the Data and the Updates in transit, while on deposit with the Escrow Agent and upon its release.

* Datan vakuutusvelvollisuus on yleensä Fincolla.

8.2 Finco and the Licensee shall be liable to pay the Escrow Agent’s fees and charges as defined in article 6.
9.1 The Escrow Agent does not warrant and shall not be liable to any person or entity whatsoever as to the accuracy, description, relevance, completeness, merchantable quality, fitness for any purpose or any other matter relating to the Data and/or any Update or other information received by it hereunder.

* Escrow-agentilla ei yleensä mitään vastuuta datan toimivuudesta/käyttökelpoisuudesta.

9.2 The Escrow Agent shall not be liable to determine that whatever is deposited or accepted by it for deposit is or is not the Data or Updates herein specified.

* Tärkeä lauseke: tässä escrow-agentilla ei tarkistusvelvollisuutta siitä, että sille toimitetut data tai sen päivitykset ovat oikeanlaatuisiaeli tässä tapauksessa escrow-agentti on passiivinen vastaanottaja. Escrow-sopimuksiin voidaan myös sisällyttää laajojakin kustannuksia lisääviä tarkistusvelvollisuuksia.


* Sopimuksen luonteesta johtuen sopimuksen päättyminen liittyy ensisijaisesti jo edellä määriteltyihin tilanteisiin, joissa data palautuu Fincolle (5 kohta) tai luovutetaan lisenssinsaajalle (4 kohta).

This Agreement shall terminate and the Escrow Agent shall be fully and finally discharged of its obligations hereunder in any of the following circumstances:
(a) the Data (including the Updates) is properly released to the Licensee in accordance with article 4 above;
(b) the Data is returned to Finco in accordance with article 5 above;
(c) if all or any of the fees and charges of the Escrow Agent remain unpaid for thirty (30) days following notice from the Escrow Agent to Finco and the License;
(d) through destruction or corruption of the Data as a result of force majeure.
None of the parties to this Agreement shall be under any liability to the other(s) or any other party in respect of anything which, apart from this provision, may constitute breach of this agreement arising by reason of force majeure; namely circumstances beyond the control of the parties which shall include (but shall not be limited to) acts of God, perils of the sea or air; fire, flood, drought, explosion, sabotage, accident, embargo, riot, civil commotion (including acts of local government and parliamentary authority).
All notices to or by the respective parties hereto shall be in writing in the English language, and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered by hand, posted by recorded delivery post or sent by facsimile to the party to which such notice is required to be given under this agreement addressed as follows:
The Escrow Agent – Address:
Finco – Address:
The Licensee -Address:
or to such other address or facsimile number as the respective parties hereto may hereafter specify to the others in writing.
Notices delivered by hand or sent by facsimile shall be deemed received the first working day following such delivery or sending. Notices which have been posted as above shall be deemed received on the ___ working day following posting.
Failure or neglect by any party to this Agreement to enforce at any time any of the provisions -hereof shall not be construed nor shall be deemed to be a waiver of that party’s rights hereunder nor in any way affect the validity of the whole or any part of this Agreement nor prejudice the party’s rights to take subsequent action.

* Jos sopijapuoli ei joltain osin vaadi oikeuttaan, ei se kuitenkaan menetä sopimuksen mukaisia oikeuksiaan muilta osin.

The headings contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be part of or to affect the meaning or interpretation of any of the terms, conditions or provisions of the agreement.

* Tekstin sisältö ratkaisee tulkintatilanteet – ei otsikot.


In the event that any or any part of these terms, conditions or provisions shall be determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent such term, condition or provision shall to that extent be severed from the remaining terms, conditions and provisions which shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

* Yhden sopimuslausekkeen pätemättömyys ei vaikuta muiden lausekkeiden voimassaoloon.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of Finland.

* Sopimukseen sovellettava laki on valittava.

IN WITNESS whereof this Agreement has been executed by the parties by their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written.
Finco Oy
Mr Olli Ohjelma
Managing Director
The Licensee
Mx xxxx xxxx
Managing Director
The Escrow Agent
Mx xxxx xxxx
Managing Director